• Amira: Loeb Greek and Roman classics online [pdf] | Loeb Classical Library -- Harvard University Press http://ryanfb.github.com/loebolus/

    Updated: 2012-07-25 08:17:20

  • Oh the places you’ll go…

    Updated: 2012-07-21 02:38:42
    Way back in 2001, when blogging was a new thing, and I was crawling around the web to figure out if there were any other anthropologists using this new medium, one man stood out. Oneman actually, or as he is known around here: Dustin. Dustin hasn’t been blogging much lately, but I wanted to take [...]

  • In the Journals… July 2012, Part 2 by Melanie Boeckmann

    Updated: 2012-07-12 14:50:35
    You can find Part One of this month’s In the Journals… feature here. This month’s Science, Technology, & Human Values  focuses on “Experiments in Context and Contexting“. Tiago Moreira argues that singularities in social science research are woven into political orders in two related ways: through an unraveling of sociotechnical ties and through the uniqueness of persons …

  • In the Journals… July 2012 by Melanie Boeckmann

    Updated: 2012-07-11 01:25:15
    For this first part of July starting us off  is the July issue of Health with seven articles ranging from issues of identity in an online self-help diabetes community, gendered perspectives of own and partner’s weight  to a critical review on the use of routine patient data and an exploration of the public debate on evidence of complimentary and …

  • Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco Study Group Graduate Student Paper Prize by Tazin Karim

    Updated: 2012-07-10 18:38:32
    The Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco Study Group (ADTSG) of the Society for Medical Anthropology requests submissions for the best graduate student paper in the anthropology of alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, tobacco or similar substances. Qualifying submissions will be judged by a committee of ADTSG members.  The author of the winning paper will receive a cash award of $100 and her or …

  • Teenthropologist: Reasons for studying anthropology instead of medicine

    Updated: 2012-07-05 00:17:00
    : antropologi.info social and cultural anthropology in the news Blogroll Nordisk auf Deutsch Journals Bulletin Board Search Guestbook Contact 05 07 12 14:17:00, by Lorenz Categories : anthropology general University Academia websites Teenthropologist : Reasons for studying anthropology instead of medicine At the age of 18, why do I want to settle down and commit myself to Medicine when I can really investigate for example why there are health differences between the different classes and areas in Britain Teenthropologist is the name of a new anthropology blog , written maybe by the youngest anthro-blogger around . She is 19, from Durham University in Britain . In her opening post she explains why she chose to study anthropology instead of medicine or before studying medicine sometime later

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